Betekenis van:
extend to

to extend to
    • to extend as far as






    1. They extend kindness to their neighbors.
    2. Tom was able to extend his visa.
    3. The city wants to extend the road.
    4. They always extend kindness to their neighbors.
    5. Let's extend our heartiest welcome to Miyake-san.
    6. She wants to extend the no-smoking area.
    7. I'd like to extend my stay through Sunday.
    8. Better to extend an olive branch than launch a missile.
    9. Extend condolences to him on his father's death.
    10. The city is planning to extend the boardwalk.
    11. They are planning to extend the railroad to the next town.
    12. I would like to extend our best wishes on your marriage.
    13. The firm has recently diversified its products so as to extend its market.
    14. I want to extend my stay here for a few more days.
    15. How do you expect to weather the financial storm when the bank refuses to extend a helping hand?